The article analyzes the migration processes in Tajikistan in terms of their impact on the security sphere. The ongoing transition period in the Republic of Tajikistan from an agrarian-industrial to an industrial-agrarian type of economy requires consideration of individual migration processes, in particular, market mechanisms necessary for the development of the economy. Although the transition period led to a radical transformation of internal and external migration processes in terms of labor market and labor relations, it also exacerbated many social problems, revealing old contradictions and giving rise to new ones. The study of internal and external labor market allows to see that the migration processes in Tajikistan have undergone quantitative and qualitative changes associated with the formation of new labor relations, increased competition in the global labor market, transformations in the development of demand and supply of labor, which requires taking additional security measures. Migration has a direct impact on the political, ethnic, social and economic situation in the regions of Tajikistan. Actual tasks are: identifying the specifics and patterns of the impact of migration processes on regional security, developing and improving tools for unlocking the potential of migration for effective economic modernization.
migration, security, labour resources, employment, demography, labour market, migration processes, regulations, economics, modernization
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