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Шокиров Равшан Сиддикович Ғоибназаров Алиҷон Шӯҳратович Shokirov, Ravshan Siddikovich Goibnazarov Alidjohn Shuhratovich



The article considered some factors of industrialization of the region economy. Possible  scenarios for the development of industrialization and its impact on the socio–economic situation of the region are substantiated. The opinion is stated that industrialization should originate from the agricultural sector of economy, since an intensification of this industry is at a very low level. Elevation of the intensification of agriculture contributes to the growth of the value of economic efficiency indicators not only in this industry but in other related sectors of economy either. It is confirmed that an optimal use of existing potential and resources is the only way out of the stagnation situation in the agricultural sector. Ingrefting the concept of small-scale mechanization and developing cooperation in the agro-industrial sector, make it possible to solve the problems with investments in the regional economy which are not enough to implement an accelerated industrialization strategy.



Keywords: region, industrialization, industrial–agrarian economy, industry



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Publication date

Tuesday, 13 September 2022