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Ахмедов Усмонджон Хайдарджонович Юсупова Гулнора Абдуманноновна Баходурова Сулхия Азизходжаевна Ахмедов Усмонҷон Ҳайдарҷонович Юсупова Гулнора Абдуманоновна Баходурова Сулҳия Азизхоҷаевна Akhmedov Usmonjon Khaidarjonovich Yusupova Gulnora Abdumannonovna B


The article describes the mechanism for conducting and determining the rating of teachers at the university, it reveals the constituents of this rating: educational activities, scientific activities, political-educational activities, analysis of learning outcomes and the activities of a teacher aimed at attracting funding. For each of these criteria, an evaluation mechanism described demonstrates a total maximum score equal to 100 points. Under modern conditions of the formation of economy knowledge and increased competition in the market of educational services, the importance of higher engineering education, the competitiveness both capable of elevation of competitiveness of higher school global and regional education markets increases many times over. This leads to a revision of a development strategy by higher education institution based on a concept of innovation in education and aimed at creating an educational system  targeted  at a creation of a system which would be sustainable for external and internal challenges ensuring high quality at all levels of functioning. In solving the strategic task of raising a level of education, the key role is given to the quality of the teaching staff and methodological issues of its assessment. The elaborated mechanism of rating assessment will afford to attain strategic objectives of a higher school in ensuring education quality and can serve  as an instrument of management with teaching staff’s professional activities, the latters will  serve as a key factor of stimulation of professors’ professional growth as well.



Key-words: higher school competitiveness, education quality procurement, complex assessment of professor’s work, mechanism of rating conducting, inter-university system of management quality


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Publication date

Wednesday, 14 September 2022