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Author (s)

Ibrohimov, Solidjohn Ibrohimovich Sanavvarov Golibjohn Bakoevich


The authors of the article make an emphasis upon the assertion that formation and development of migrational processes are effectuated in the context of state  policy of Tajikistan Republic in the sphere of migration being upon the whole targeted at elaboration of legal, social and economic mechanisms of preclusion of illegal and  non-regulated migration, at creation and procurement of a unified system of external and internal migration by means of working out and adopting of normative legal  instruments in the sphere in question. Designing on the premise of dynamic development of modern migrational relations in the aspect of law, the authors actualize the issue concerned with normative-legal regulation of migrational procedures and processes. In reference to all the expounded there are proposed the ways of migrational legislation perfection in the Republic of Tajikistan. It is underscored that effective legislative regulation presupposes qualitative systematization of migrational legislation both at local and statal levels.




Key words: migrant,  migrational law, migrational process, legal regulation, migrational legal relations in the aspect of law, migration, labor migration


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Publication date

Monday, 12 December 2022