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Jumaev Ismatjon Sultonjonovich



The given article dwells on legal frameworks, main directions and legal aspects of the development of public partnerships in the entrepreneurial sector. From the point of view of the position of the legislative body of the country, there are considered the provided legal mechanisms of state partnership in the business sphere. Although the mechanisms for the development of state partnerships in the entrepreneurial sector are determined by civil legislation, the law on public-private partnerships, but as the practice of implementing partnerships shows, it requires the development of an improved mechanism based on real life. Inferences and conclusions on the improvement of the current legislation, implementation of public-private partnership mechanisms in entrepreneurship, development of ways for improving partnerships correspond to the realities of today and reflect the entrepreneurial activities of the subjects.





Key-words: constitution, legal mechanism, legislation, entrepreneurship, public partnership, legal support, executive body, legal protection


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Publication date

Saturday, 10 December 2022