The analysis of theoretical approaches allowed us to systemitize a range of aspects of systemic development in the assessment of both progressive and regressive changes of the development in question. Social-economic development of the country and its regions directly depends on the sustainability of industrial enterprises. The investigation of conditions and changes of social and economic processes of industrial development has been considered in the article. Observation over subsystems, analysis of resources and development of industrial enterprises potential have been conducted. The changes of the whole capacity of industrial production and the industrial production per capita have been adduced. The capacity of industrial production and the rates of industrial production growth in cities and nokhiays of Sughd viloyat have been pointed. It has been determined that the development of active enterprises may act as a “locomotive” which can save the whole country from the lingering crisis and provide sustainable economic development.
accelerated industrialization of the country, transformational crisis, socio-economic problems, socio-economic development, the progressive, locomotive
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