The article is devoted to the issue of application of synergetic and cybernetic approach in the management with regional development in contemporary Tajikistan. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan pays due attention to the development of the regions, but there are still unresolved problems in social and economic spheres the solution of which largely depends on effectiveness of state management system concerned with development of regions.The existing problems that have not been resolved for decades prove ineffectiveness of a linear approach used in managing the development of territories. A comparison of two opposing concepts [cybernetic (linear) and synergetic] is carried out. Proceeding from the analysis done the author comes to the conclusion claiming a necessity of integration of two conceptions for state management with evolution of regions.Symbiosis of organization and self-organization makes it possible to level out the shortcomings of the concepts and enhance the combined impact on the achievement of the set goals targeted at the development of the regions. On the basis of a synergistic-cybernetic approach a mechanism of state regulation of the development of regions is proposed.
Tajikistan Republic, management with regional development, cybernetic approach, synergetic approach, necessity for integration of conceptions, mechanism of state management, development of territories
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