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Obidov D.S.


The author made an endeavor to analyze the role and significance of Ijtihad as a rational origin in the genesis of Moslemic law from historico-legal and theoretical positions; he underscores its classical early Islamic source, at the same time he touches upon the essence and significance of Ijtihad from the point of view of its place in the evolution of religious-legal Sunnit Islam, especially of khanafite legal school. The author tries to comprehend the leading importance of Ijtihad from the position of Khanafite school itself. He moves ideas concerned with a specific sway of Ijtihad over the creative activity of the founder of the school in question Imam Azam Abdukhanifa. An attempt is made to disclose the reasons of the weakened position of this origin in Sunnit streamline of Moslemic law after the X-th century.


Moslemic law, Ijtihad, Sunnit Islam, rational origins of law, Khanafite law school, Imam Azam Abukhanifa 


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Publication date

Wednesday, 07 July 2021