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On the Issue Regarding State Registration and Forms of Adoption of Normative Legal Instruments by Ministries‚ State Committees and other State Power Bodies

Author (s)

Kamolov Ilhom Ikromovich


One of no few importance problems dealing with normative legal instruments‚ statal committees and executive power bodies‚ in general‚ is a form of their adoption and state registration‚ The article dwells on such issues as: a order of registration and  form of adoption of normative legal instruments of ministries‚ state committees and other state power bodies in the context of existing moments of collision in legislation and in their practical application. The conducted classification of forms of normative legal instruments adopted officially on state level presents  especial actualness. The author makes a conclusion that normative legal instruments of ministries‚ state committees and other state power bodies present a complicatedly organized multilevelled system in their intregrity


ministry, State committee‚ interdepartmental instrument, enactment, orders, normative instruments


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Publication date

Friday, 09 October 2015