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Transportation and Communication Potential of Central Asia in the Focus of Global Actors Interests

Author (s)

Garbuzarova Yelena Gennadievna


The article presents an analysis of transport-communication projects of leading actors of word policy in Central Asia – those of European Union, Russia and China which are targeted at a development of transport infrastructure and transit corridors in the countries of the region. Designing on the premises of the method of expertise assessments, the author makes an endeavor to canvass advantages and drawbacks of international transport corridors which have been formed and have been forming in Central Asia. Attention is emphasized on the geopolitical aspect of realized transport-logistic projects. New transport corridors open broad opportunities before Central Asia, but at the same time they collide with potential obstacles which hinder maximal utilization of regional transport-communication potential. The inference is made in conclusion running to the effect that the states of Central Asia can abtain the utmost profits for the development of transport potentialities from participation in Eurasian integration and in the Chinese initiative «Silk Road Economy Belt».


geopolitical interests, European Union, Russia, China, Central Asia, regional cooperation, transport projects, transit potential


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Publication date

Saturday, 31 August 2019

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