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Author (s)

Sharifzoda Aminjon Abdugaffori


The author has conducted an analyses of the factors beset with emergence and activities of the first polytical partyes and movements in the Republic of Tajikistan, their ideological trends, consequences of ideologies pursued by them as actual issues of modern political science are stages of transition of democretic frameworks, formation and consolidation of the process of democratisation, development of democratic society, problems and difficulties faced with on this way, paculiarities of mentality and perception of diverse ideologies in the initial period of national independence acqvired by the people of Tajikistan.

The study of questions of coordination between the activities of political parties and public organizations in the transitional period in thee new sovereign state requires a comprehensive and profound consideration. The author explores also the factors that led to the start of the sivil war in Tajikistan where a destructive role of variouse parties and movements operating in the initial period of national independence gaining is emphasised. Proceeding from scientific and publicistic sources, normative, legal instruments, the author studied comprehensively the important political and state process. He points out a special role of public mentality in the process of democratization of society.


Key words: Tajikistan Republic, democracy, ochlocracy, democratization of society, democratic system, multi-party system, pluralism, freedom of speech, national interests, Public Council, parochialism, opposition


Reference Literature:


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Publication date

Tuesday, 13 September 2022