The article dwells on theoretico-methodological aspects beset with a stability of the banking system. The authors canvass the main methods of assessment aimed at a stability of the banking system and identify indicators of calculation of constancy and stability of banking activities. The authors of the article conduct an analysis dealing with the current state of the banking system and credit market in Tajikistan Republic. They analyze participation of participation of system-forming banks in lending to the national economy as well. Proceeding from this assumption, the authors determine the problems in the sphere of demand for loans and deposits in the country. A number of factors financial instability of banks and non-banking institutions in Tajikistan Republic have been identified. Within the framework of the study, the authors managed to offer adequate recommendations for improving the institutional foundations functioning in the banking system of Tajikistan Republic in order to strengthen stable activities of banks and expand the volume of lending to the national economy as well.
stability of bank, banking system, methods of assessment, interest rate, liquidity and instability of bank
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