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Author (s)

Ulmasov R.U., Qurbonov N.H.


The objective of the work is an investigation of an influential standard of labour migration related to the sector of construction and to other ones concerning Russian economy where labour force from Tajikistan and other CIS countries is used on great scales with COVID pandemic being taken into consideration. An analysis of statistical data became a methodical ground for the investigation in question. Common scientific methods and special ones are used as well. Strategic challenges and guiding lines concerned with labour migration development are singled out. Distinctions and common features are shown in reference to employers and state bodies, on the one hand, and to labour migrants, on the other hand; some peculiarities of migrational human capital are underscored too; the latters being associated with complexity and variety of cultures, knowledge, capabilities, habits and abilities, qualification, experience and motivation of workers. The conclusion is made running to the effect that resumption of labour migration range provided mass vaccination and observance of sanitary-epidemiological requirements are observed would afford to supply labour force for construction segment and other ones, inscribed into the economy of Russia and accumulate necessary tempos of development. Concrete measures aimed at optimization of migrational streams and rational usage of non-residents` labour are proposed.


RF construction market, labour migration, demographic situation, COVID-19 pandemic, Russian economy, employer, migrational human capital


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Publication date

Wednesday, 07 July 2021