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Author (s)

Askarova S.S.


The article is an analysis of the problem concerned with a regulation of the process of formation and development in relation to innovational production in Tajikistan Republic regions. It is underscored that market mechanisms by themselves are unable to stimulate emergence of innovations at enterprises, therefore, innovational policy should by all means become a priority streamline implemented by state regulation. It is stressed that one of the mostly important realizations of state regulation as to innovative activity at the level of regions is associated with state support. The author gives definitions to the basic notions of state regulation of regional innovative activeness, such as “innovative activeness”, “state regulation”. Formation and development of regional innovational systems are traced. The conclusion is made that innovational regional policy, its productivity and successfulness exercise a direct influence upon an innovational climate of the region all in all and general economy situation, in particular.


innovational policy, regulation of innovational policy, state support, innovative activeness, regional innovational system, innovational climate


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Publication date

Monday, 15 November 2021