The article examines the evolution of the foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation in relation to the Republic of Tajikistan in the period after the collapse of the USSR and up to the present day. The paper analyzes the priority directions of Russia’s foreign policy in the framework of cooperation with Tajikistan, studies the national interests of the Russian state, as well as the difficulties in implementing the foreign policy course. At the end of the article, it is concluded that cooperation with Tajikistan occupies a special place in Russia’s foreign policy strategy. Russian Federation acts a “locomotive” of integrational processes all over post-Soviet space; consolidation and extension of collaboration between Central Asian states and Russia can become important factors of sustainable development for all the countries. Under literate economic policy namely this region will be able to become the most effective place for Russian capital application.
Russian Federation, foreign policy strategy, conception, factor, priority, interest, foreign policy course, cooperation
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