The author of the article develops the issue concerned with civil-legal regime of mediator`s activity at real property market. While analyzing scientific literature he pays main attention to the term “representative” and to the civil-legal institute of representation. It is underscored that a transaction committed by one person (representative) on behalf of another person (who is represented) creates, changes or ceases civil rights and obligations of that one whom by represents) by virtue of proxy, instruction on the part of law or instrument entitling to the right in question being validated by the state body or that one of legal self-governance. The proxy may be also based on the situational surroundings the representative finds himself/herself in (retail trader, cashier, etc.). The author also presents the correlation between the notions of “representative” and “realtor”.
mediatorship, representation, realtor, civil legislation, warrant, commercial representation, juridical fact, civil-legal obligation
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