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Saidova M.A.


The article analyzes the factors of effectiveness of multiparty system in the direction of democracy consolidation. There is emphasized that institutional factors, especially party system, play an important role in consolidation of democracy. The author recognizes the development of an effective and functional party system as an important condition for consolidation of democracy and asserts that strengthening of democracy without a competitive activity of political parties isnot possible. Competitiveness of multiparty system, active participation of citizens in political life, stability of the party system, party structute of political system, ways of organizing and functioning of representative institutions, potentialities of organizing party coalitions, features of electoral system, types of multiparty systems and political frameworks are considered as important and influential factors of the multiparty system in consolidation of democracy. From the author’s point of view political parties with their competitiveness, sense of political responsibility, requirement for accountability and transparency of political system, criticism and outsetting problems, resetting challenges in political environment of society, struggle for citizens’ votes and their support, organizations of new programs for development of society, training political leaders, agitation for platforms for change and development of society by elevating managerial responsibility can play a very important role in consolidating of democratic system in separate countries.


multiparty system, consolidation of democracy, competitiveness, stability of the party system, party structure, party coalition, electoral system, types of multiparty system


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Publication date

Tuesday, 16 November 2021