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Author (s)

Sharifzoda М.M., Kayumov F.G.


The article discusses the factors affecting implementation of investment activities in the region. According to the authors, such main factors are: infrastructure of financial market, best options for implementation of investment projects and provision of investment guarantees. The main directions of improving investment policy of the region are identified, they are: improvement of a mechanism of state support for investment activities, formation of a mechanism for effective management with investment projects, improvement of principles, methods and forms of management with investment activities in the region: utilization of modern methods of planning, analysis and prognostication of investitive activity, perfection of a mechanism of insuranse as to investments and quarantees of interests in reference to the participants of investitive process. Formation of a network of financial and investment institutions in the region and others. At the same time, the authors highlight an improvement of investment policy in the institutional aspect. In order to increase an efficiency of investment activities in the region, it is proposed to improve the mechanism of state support and create a specialized institution for monitoring investment activities in the region.


region, improvement of investitive policy, factors of investitive activities, institutional aspect, investitive attractiveness, mechanism of state support, monitoring of investitive activity


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Publication date

Monday, 15 November 2021