The article considers the problem of tolerance and its features in political practice of the Tajik society. Tolerance is analyzed as one of the important qualities in the process of relations between citizens, citizens and political parties, civil establishments and the state, political authorities and political organizations. For the correct disclosure of this problem various aspects of tolerance were investigated. Different points of view of researchers in reference to the theme of tolerance, political tolerance, importance of existence of tolerance in the process of resolving political conflicts and in the development of a democratic society are reflected in concrete examples. The article examines the experience of achieving "Tajik reconciliation" and points to the role of concessions and compromises in negotiation process between the parties that contributed to the signing of the Agreement on Peace and National Accord. There is also analyzed the fact that lack of a culture of tolerance and respect for religious and political views among citizens leads to destabilization of society, threats to national security and barriers in the development of the state. In the context of globalization, rapprochement and cooperation in relations between representatives of different cultures and civilizations tolerance is considered as one of the main factors for maintaining political stability and acquiring knowledge and experience between representatives of different nationalities. The author came to certain conclusions and proposed some recommendations for education of tolerance in the process of political socialization and development of democracy.
tolerance, Tajik society, principles of democracy, political pluralism, religious radicalism, political values, stability and security in society, political process, respect for human rights and freedoms
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