Power supply agreement serves as a basis for protection and guarantee of electroenergy consumers` rights and interests. For many years already the contents and subjective composition of power supply agreement are the objects of scientific studies carried out by scientists-civilists. The latter is a specific purchase-sale agreement; its content consists of specific conditions ensuring its distinction from other types of treaties. Thus, all essential provisions composing the object of power supply agreement have been canvassed; here refer: subjective composition, answerability of the parties for a violation of the agreement in question. The author has analyzed not only the norms of civil legislation on regulation of the treaty, but those ones of the legislation dealing with the sphere of energetics and scientific conceptions on contents and subjective composition of power supply agreement either. The result of the research poured out into the conclusion that the inseparable part of the subject of this agreement is composed of the parties` actions which entail another criterion of no less importance, that one of its subjective composition. The author formulates also a definition of the notion “power supplying organization”.
power supply, power agreement, power supplying organization, electroenergy consumer, subscriber, electroenergy amount, electroenergy quality, payment for electroenergy
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