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Author (s)

Kayumov, F.G., Vahhobov M.M.


The authors substantiate a necessity of creating a favorable business-environment in Tajikistan Republic generalizing its factors and conditions. Designing on the premise of elicited factors and conditions of the entrepreneurial milieu the authors determine the parameters of the existence of a favorable business-environment of the country; they move the ways of a solution of the problems appearing on the way of entrepreneurship development in the republic. There are presented judgments concerned with a modern state of the institutional entrepreneurial milieu in the country in theoretical aspect. The conclusion is made that low level of inflation and stable prices are no adequate factors for a growth of the real economy sector. As for this direction, one should improve institutional milieu in connection with the growth of shadow economy and with enhancing corruption standard in national economy.


business environment, factors and conditions, investment climate, investiture attractiveness, small and medium businesses, institutional environment, real sector growth


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Publication date

Monday, 26 April 2021