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The Role of European Union’s Mass Media in Formation of the Image of the Republic of Tajikistan

Author (s)

Rustamzoda Z., Akmalova M.A.


The article dwells on the role of Mass Media of European Union countries in the formation and development of the image of Tajikistan Republic. The authors believe that ensuring informational security and representing the country through foreign mass media are considered to be one of the important goals of state policy. The authors of the article consider a reflection of different aspects in reference to both home and foreign policies of Tajikistan in mass media of European Union countries. It is emphasized that European Union media such as “Euronews”, “The European Times”, “EP Today”, “Diplomat Magazine”, “Diplomatic World”, “The Brussels Times” and “Knowledge Center Review” play an important role in the formation of the positive image of Tajikistan representing foreign policy priorities and investment potential of the country. Into the bargain, particular attention is paid to elucidation of international initiatives of Tajikistan in the media of the countries of the European Union. It is determined that a coverage of various materials about Tajikistan in the media of the countries of the European Union can serve as the basis for implementation of information diplomacy and attract foreign investments. The authors give a number of recommendations to improve cooperation between Tajikistan and the European Union.


foreign policy, Republic of Tajikistan, European Union, Mass Media, energy independence, information diplomacy, investment potential


1.                  Official Site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of TR http://mfa.tj/tj/pravovaya-osnova-vp/kontcepciya-vneshney-politiki-respubliki-tadzhikistan.html (date of request: 16.03.20)

2.                  A.Sharifzoda А., Gafurov A. Architect of the World, - Brussels, 2012, - 215 pp.

3.                  Soliev R.A. Tajikistan - European Union: mutually beneficial partnership. - Dushanbe - Brussels. 2016 .- 102 pp.

4.                  Official Site of «The European Times», http://emagazine.european-times.com/tajikistan (date of request: 16.03.20)

5.                  Official Site of Tajikistan Republic Embassy in Brussels  http://www.tajikembassy.be/content/celebration-21st-anniversary-independence-republic-tajikistan-brussels (date of request: 16.03.20)

6.                  Official Site of a Reputable Consulting Company «The European Times», http://www.european-times.com/countries/interview-minister-foreign-affairs-republic-tajikistan-european-times-magazine/(date of request: 22.03.2020)

7.                  Official Site of the Printing-House of «Diplomatic Magazine», http://www.diplomatmagazine.nl/2014/11/03/results-sco-summit-dushanbe-2014/

8.                  Official Site of the Printing-House of «Diplomatic Magazine», http://www.diplomatmagazine.nl/2015/03/01/water-life-2005-2015/, http://diplomatmagazine.nl/2015/05/25/the-international/decade-for-action-water-for-life,http://www.diplomatmagazine.nl/2015/05/03/water-for-life-tajikistan-june-9-to-11-2015/(date of request: 16.01.2020)

9.                  Official Site of Tajikistan Republic Embassy in the Kingdom of Belgium, http://tajikembassy.be/content/invest-forum-tajikistan-%E2%80%93-belgium-brussels. (date of request: 16.02.20)

10.               Official Website of the European Parliament «EP Today», http://eptoday.com/tajikistan-turn-water-cooperation/ (date of request: 22.03.20)

Publication date

Monday, 14 September 2020