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Foreign Experience of Economy Development Regulation and the Conditions of its Application in the Regions of Tajikistan Republic

Author (s)

Khoshimov Kh. H., Samadova Z. A.


The article dwells on the foreign experience referring to regulation of economy development in the regions. The problems of Tajikistan Republic regional policy whose successful solution is found in many countries are elicited and classified. The basic streamlines beset with a solution of territorial problems are determined being proceeded from the study of the experiences of foreign countries which were used in reference to local management of modelling having, for example, Anglo-Saxon and continental origin. It is considered that a usage of the experience of foreign countries on utilizing such instruments as creation of innovation development structures out of the number of business-incubators, technoparks, agencies and development funds can promote a consolidation of the tendencies of sustainable development in regard to regional subjects of the state. Proceeding from the practice of foreign states related to elaboration and effectuation of regional policy, the authors suggest the ways of elevation of effectiveness targeted at state management with the development of the territories of Tajikistan whose application can promote progress and alleviated differentiation accuring throughout their evolution.


foreign experience, statal regulation, regional policy, regional territory, natural economic resources, infrastructure, corporation


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 January 2020