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The Role of the State Language in the Formation of National Ideology

Author (s)

Tagoeva R. R.


This article demonstrates the role and status of the Tajik language in the formation of a national idea, in enhancing the sense of national identity. It is noted that language is the main factor in the formation of a national idea. It is through language that the consciousness of people and national identity are formed. In other words, preservation and tribute to this cultural heritage is a kind of national identity. The Tajik language is an invaluable treasure of the Tajik people, its protection and development are responsibility of every citizen of the country. This is the language that connects current and past generations with the development of national thought. Not a single external factor can adversely affect or provoke dissent of a nation united by a single national idea and striving to achieve its common goals.


Tajik language, national idea, national identity, language policy, state ideology, language ideology, national language, national policy


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Publication date

Wednesday, 22 January 2020