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Formation of the System of Monitoring Indices Referring to Sustainable Development of the Region

Author (s)

Kosimova Manzura Abdusalomovba


The research of basic functions, tasks and principles of formation of monitoring system indices referring to a sustainable development of the region is expounded in the article. The problems in question are canvased. The author adduces the above-mentioned items plus their algorythm in reference to the concrete region. It is underscored that monitoring system is an inseparable element of the mechanism of state management with sustainability of economy development in the region. The author comes to the conclusion that for effective organization of monitoring system targeted at sustainable development it is necessary to concord National Strategy Development indices with a middle-term pragramme of social-economic development of the region with telic indicators of TR sustainable development being taken into consideration. The system of statistical information collection bound to be provided by the TR Agency on statistics requires improvement as well. The system of electronic governance will considerably reduce the expenditures of time finances in the system of statistical data collection.


мониторинги рушди устувори минтақа, хусусияти мониторинг, вазифаҳои мониторинг, ташаккули низоми мониторинг, нишондиҳандаҳои низоми мониторинг


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Publication date

Wednesday, 14 November 2018