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Conceptual Approaches and Theoretical Basis of Public-Private Partnership in Market Services

Author (s)

Saidmurodov Lutfullo Habibulloevich,Muqaddas-zoda Firdaws Muqaddas (Hayokhojaev F.M)


The article dwells on the theoretical and methodological approaches towards the development of public-private partnership in the sphere of market services. Taking into account an arguable character of role, directions and assessment of an effectiveness of public-private partnership in the sphere of market services, their high practical relevance in reference to realization of investitive projects and provision of population with qualitative and available services the authors propose their own approach to a definition of PPP.

Besides a disclosure of the concept of PPP apparatus the authors elaborated a block-scheme of the grounds aimed at its formation and development in the sphere of market services; they consider that its further development promotes a painless transition to market economy and demonstrates an effect of unification between state and private sector.


public-private partnership, sphere of market services, dialectics of unique, particular and general, coordination of interests


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Publication date

Monday, 10 April 2017