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Factors Swaying upon Custom`s Policy under the Conditions of Globalization

Author (s)

Blinichkina Nadezhda Yuryevna.Marufov Firdavsjon Karimovich


In their article the authors analyze the level of the sway of globalizational processes upon the custom`s policy formation. The main objective of the article is aimed at the elicitation of custom`s policy dependence on the level of globalization effect over a separate state. It is underscored that the custom`s policy, being one of the forms of foreign economic activeness of the state, is exposed to the greatest influence of globalization. In particular, proceeding from the assumption of the analysis dealing with dynamics of export-import operations of Tajikistan Republic, the authors come to the conclusion that the increasing of a volume of import in a certain extent is considered as a consequence of a deeper integration of Tajikistan into the global economic system and presupposes liberalization of custom`s policy. The authors single out the factors arising as a consequence of globalizational  processes and determining custom`s policy at the contemporary stage of development of the world economic community. In a nutshell, the authors conclude that namely globalization determines basic directions targeted at custom`s policy under contemporary conditions.


custom`s policy, globalization, integration, factors of custom`s policy, outward economic activity, comparative advantages, level of state involvement, foreign trade relations


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Publication date

Monday, 10 April 2017