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The Sway оf Monetary-Crediting Policy over the development of GDP Branch Structure

Author (s)

Azizboyev Ravshan Abdurakhmonovich


The author of the article touches upon such issues as monetary policy of the country and its role in future development of Tajikistan Republic economy. Into the bargain, he deals with the major problems banks are faced with when cooperating with the productive sector, the role of the state in solving the problems in question under a proper application of monetary policy being a determining factor affecting the development of industry in the country and leading to both positive and negative aftermath. The main aim of the article lies in defining the level of the sway of the monetary policy adopted in the country over the development of the real sector of economy in Tajikistan Republic for the period of 2009 – 2015 in comparison with the year of 2010. The following goals were set and solved for realization of the aim in question:

-  theoretical issues concerned with monetary-crediting policy of Tajikistan Republic under an option and application of its instruments have been considered; its sway over the development of industry in the country being included as well;

the development of the industry available in the country and the problems rising by cooperation with banking sphere have been analyzed and assessed.


monetary-crediting policy, inflation, stagflation, GDP, devaluation, investitive climate, NBT


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Publication date

Monday, 16 January 2017